I knew that I wasn't doing so hot. That for the last few months, things have very dark...and I have been struggling. Trying my best not to give in to the overwhelming darkness surrounding me. But I have slid back, down into my personal pit of despair. I tend to think in pictures...or images...maybe it's the artist in me...I just SEE how I feel, a lot of the time, as pictures in my head. And one I have used since this whole depression train started, is my pit of despair.
It's very deep and so very cold and dark. The walls are completely vertical, and covered in wet mud...so it makes it harder to try and climb out...hard to feel any of the sun's comforting warmth on my face. I try over and over again to climb out...and sometimes I get a few feet up, where things are bearable or even...okay, not good or great...but okay. But I always end up falling or sliding back to the bottom...where I am so...alone. So cold and alone...and scared. Scared I will be in this terrifying place forever, all alone.
And I slid totally back to the bottom tonight. One inconsequential thing said to me...nothing important...but it was like the the straw that broke the camel's back. Everything I have feeling these last 2 months or so spilled to the surface, and all I could do was cry. My chest became so tight and it wouldn't go away. I knew it was an anxiety attack if I didn't calm down, and my Mom was there trying to get me to talk out what I was feeling. The only problem is, I don't know what's wrong. Sometimes you know, oh you are close to "Auntie Flo", or you just had a huge fight with so and so...but this last couple of months...I don't know what's wrong. And it has happened before, it is the MOST frustrating feeling I have ever experienced. Being depressed and wracked with anxiety attacks, when you KNOW what's wrong, is difficult enough, it's a daily battle I fight every single day, but I can see the reasons I am experiencing it. But when you feel so lost and filled with sadness and anxiety...and there is NO reason you can see...it is so beyond frustrating and incomprehensible. So scary...and it shakes my faith. Maybe that makes me a bad church member...but have a daily battle that takes place inside you...and tell me your faith doesn't ever falter. Because I don't think it is possible. When you don't have control over your own mind and where it wanders...thoughts you never want to BE thought, go through your mind. Not that I don't also cling to it...my faith. I cling to the thought that someday, when I am with HIM again...this will stop. It will be over forever. So my Mom brought me to my Dad and told him I needed a blessing.
And some of the things I thought he would say he did, but some stood out in my mind too. He has never mentioned my patriartical (eww can't spell it) blessing before...something I have been too scared to get...afraid of what it will say. That might sound crazy to a lot of you...but put yourself in my shoes...what if I find out I will suffer from these feelings, this life...until the day I die? The small bits of knowledge have seemed so scary. But crazy enough, a week or so ago, I wondered about it, wondered if I should get it...and then here it was, mentioned in my blessing. He also said to grow and work on my friendships. Except for Weezie and Gina, most of my friends have moved away...so I wondered, could he mean the friends I have found here...did he know that I have found some amazing people here...and that I shold continue to be here...and grow close to the people who seem to understand me? Maybe a lot of you are just like, cool a few online people to call cyber-bff's, but I have always taken friendship seriously. Maybe because my shyness has always meant I had few friends, so they were precious to me. So when I connect with people on here...I find myself really wanting you to know that I seriously consider you my friend. And I want you to think of me that way too, feel that way. I have found some really great people, who I love to talk to every chance I get, and you let me feel comfortable enough to be the easy going, hopefully funny person I am around close family and friends. And I hope you want to build on our friendship too. Because I am really good at sending Christmas cards, and sending e-cards on birthdays,etc. I hope I can strengthen friendships I feel, on here.
And I hope I can hold on...because these feelings are so scary...I feel so alone...and like a freak. Some people who have never seen it, even in someone close to them, have no understanding of people who do experience "this". I hope this hasn't sent anyone running...it's just a part of me...has been for almost 12 years now. I am having a really bad day...I slid back to the bottom of my pit of despair. Anyone wanna give me a hand?
I use insoles for flat feet...
1 month ago
17 meaningful meanderings:
Wendy, you do have friends here. I know some people think that online friends are silly, but honestly, I've met some amazing women on here, at a time in my life where some real life friends weren't doing so hot.
If you ever want to talk, feel free to email me. :)
Wendy, I'm not much one for expressing myself very publically in blog comments, but you can email me, and we can chat. Or email me and I can give you my IM information. I've had similar feelings before.
I reiterate what Kristina said in her comment. You do have friends here. I look forward to what everyone has to say everyday! And I sincerely think of all those I have encountered as my friends. I communicate more with my blog friends then my live friends. Know that we are thinking about YOU! Email anytime if you need to!
I definitely want to give you a hand! and if you need me to call you I totally will. I am a good listener and I tend not to push people over the edge, no pun, but I care! Another blogger friend has been feeling down and she just recently blogged about seeking a therapist. She said it helps a lot and she found hers through the yellow pages and really lucked out and got a great one! flyinhawaiian@bellsouth.net
Thank you guys, you are making me cry, for real this time, but it's a good kind of cry.
you are lucky to have your father there for you, someone who was able to give you a blessing.
remember, most of us are just an e-mail away, if you ever need to chat.
Oh Wendy!! I am sitting here crying!! I ADORE you!! I always look forward to your comments because no matter what--if I am feeling down or mad or even when I am happy--YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME LAUGH!! You can also e-mail me ANYTIME!!
Maybe it is time to get your patriachal blessing. I was scared to get mine too but I find so much strength and peace everytime I read it!!
I am so impressed with the way you can explain your feelings, I struggle with anxiety & feelings of being powerless, my son has autism, and some days are crazy hard. I tell you that because I want you to know I understand how you feel. Sometimes the despair can be so overwhelming. But please, remember everyone is here for a reason, you are here to do something no-one else can do..
Sometimes it takes some pretty tough roads to find your purpose.
But you will...
Take care, Marie
I know how you feel. I have PTSD and sometimes my feelings of anxiety and depression can be completely overwhelming. So, don't think you're a freak and don't think that you're not a good church member. SO NOT TRUE!
By the way, I think it's a good thing that you've questioned your faith. I don't trust people who've never wondered if it's all true or not.
I struggle with depression, I know what it's like! You can email me too if you want. :)
I hope you feel better.
I know we are merely cyber-BFF's and I just recently found you...
And as silly as it sounds, you have a friend in me. My heart breaks, knowing that you are hurting. Please know you are never alone. I also extend the offer -email me anytime...
evidkeeper at hotmail dot com.
Sending you *HUGS*
Wendy, I haven't been on your blog for a few days and was touched to hear the honesty in your post. I completely understand anxiety and depression and have been at the bottom of the pit of despair myself. If you EVER need to talk you can e-mail me any time. I need to look through your old posts to find your facebook account info. I'm still planning on sending you the apron pattern. Keep smiling and relying on your friends and family. You are not ever alone!
Wendy, as I was reading your post, I couldn't hold back the tears. (I hope that last straw wasn't because of my sister comments. I've been meaning to apologize to you. I think it may have looked like she was singling you out. But I am sure that was not her intention.) I personally have only felt TRUE depression once in my life for a very short time and it was so overwhelming. I couldn't imagine having an ongoing issue with it.
Since having children my anxiety level have shot through the roof and I have all these random totally unrealistic fears that are hard to control. I sometimes feel like I am crazy. I jokingly mentioned in one of my recent post that I probably need serious medication for my issues. In all seriousness...I probably really do. I really am scared of "Flat Stanley"!! Among other MORE rediculous fears, that I KNOW are rediculous and would never in a million years EVER happen. But for some unexplained reason, I still have these fears. I had my patriarchle blessing when I was 13. There were many things in there that I didn't understand. One thing in there mentioned that I would be blessed with increased faith to over come my fears. At the time I was like "eh...what fears?" It hasn't been until recently that it's meant anything to me and it really has given me hope.
I just want to reiterate what everyone else said, you do have friends here. And, I also am always available to talk.
Oh wow, you guys are good...in every way! I have tears streaming down my face, I had such a bad night...and to hear from all of you...I am turning into such a crier! It was so good to hear from you all. And I will probably take you up on talking...you are all amazing, and I thank you for not thinking I'm a freak...and for being my friends. I added a bumper sticker to my page and it's true "I love my computer because my friends live inside of it"!
Oh Wendy! I'm late on commenting again and probably missed the opportunity to say something uplifting in a time of need. You are not alone though. I want to send you an email cuz I too have had so many of these thoughts and I promise there's a light at the end of the tunnel!
Hang in there. I totally consider you my friend and I hope you are feeling better.
I want to make sure you all have my email too...wendyburd1@yahoo.com
I know BIG reach in names!
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