Please I have only been tagged once before so I am NOT at all upset with being tagged. By the awesome Deb!!! Six random facts about myself....hmmmm....don't know if I have 6!! Crap!!Okay we will see how it goes...otherwise...ABANDON SHIP, ABANDON SHIP!!!
1) I should be a princess. Yup, seriously. Before it was Czechoslavakia, part of it was Moravia. As in in that's my last name (please I have written my name down's too late!). And my Uncle Garry, was quite the family historian and geneaology freak, and he found out, if Moravia was still around we'd be sad....Moravia come BACK!! I want a tiarra!!! No, not the fake one in my that can be hocked and give me money's!!!
2) I smell burning flesh sometimes. It's all I can smell, and I don't know what it IS!! I will get it and it lasts for weeks sometimes, so I constantly am smelling...what smells to me, like burning flesh. Now I know if you smell roses, THAT means something...but what is the DEAL with kinda salty burned flesh?! What is WRONG with me??! What? That IS random....right?
3) My parents always knew I was gonna be a girl. I am the only child they were certain they knew if it was a boy or girl. They always knew I was gonna be a girl and always knew they were gonna call me Wendy. They had reasons for the name....but that could be a blog post all on it's that's all you get! Anyway, they decided AFTER I was born, that I would have been a William if they had been wrong, but that was AFTER I was born. Hahaha!
4) I am obsessed with dolphins. They are the most magical creatures to me. When we go to Sea World, I don't have to go on rides, see any shows, anything. Just plant me at Key West where they have dolphins, and give me some money for dead fish, and I will stand there ALL day, practically dangling over the edge, trying to get to pet a dolphin. And I HAVE, many times! So sleek like rubber but more solid. I have gotten to rub under their jaws and slide a dead squishy fishy (which is SO gross...but SO worth it) into their happy mouths. I have been purposely splashed my them...and that is left is my biggest swim with them!! Ohhh I am dying to! And to hug one!! Seriously I have kept my family waiting for at least 2 hours before...they all wana go and DO something else, but I am "a few more minutes" and it turns into hours! And the people get photographed by people on the other shore, and you are handed a ticket if they got shots of you with the dolphins, and I have had bunches in my pockets, because I have been there...keeping my spot...for hours....and yes I buy them! This is me...yes I have been told I look like I am cooing to the dolphin. I probably AM! And no...I was not aware my chest was squishing into the 5 trays ($5 a tray) of dead fish...LOL!5) I am a neat freak but I hate to clean. I mean if it's my room, yeah okay, not so bad with cleaning. A) I know it's only MY germs, and B) i made the mess. But cleaning is just SO boring and tedious. I mean, my Mom loves to clean. Sister Hoeger, Mom's BFF and my second mom, loves to cook. So THEY think the two of them should get to live together and we'd ALL have the best of both worlds. She SO hates to clean. Anyway, dirty dishes and bathrooms make me want to GAG! If I lived alone, it wouldn't be a problem. When alone I tend to immediately clean up after myself...but in a household?'s a mess and I don't wanna clean it up. Will only do so under great duress...and if it is so BAD it makes my OCD RAGEEEE!!! So it's quite the conundrum!!
6) I lost my two front teeth at the same moment. When my lil sister Katie, punched them out. According to HER, I was being horrid, so she got so mad she punched me. I don't remember being a pain, all I remember is her FIST, punching 2 NOT LOOSE front teeth out!! And I never let her forget it. EVER.
Okay so was that hard? Well yeah...what is random and interesting....versus what is random and makes no sense or will put them to sleep...hmmmm, LOL, it was fun though!!
Okay so I tag:
1)Erin the know you need something to do since you are homeless and used all your cool videos
2) Whitney....cuz I just LOVE to make you blog and want to know more weird things about foot dangler you!
3)ME....cuz I loves ya so and want to know more than Princess...what's her name!!!
4) New England know you are, LOL!
5)Amander....I SO need to know more about you!
6)Dad(2)....when you know such weird technical dance moves AND play Wicked....we need more info!!:P
I use insoles for flat feet...
1 month ago
14 meaningful meanderings:
Very cool that you should be a princess! And I think I may have done this tag before, but I'll have to check. Thanks for the tag anyway - you know I love them!
i loved this post! holy your own sister socked ya! DANG!
Thanks, so vey very much, for the tag--I'll come through the first of the week
Hi New England princess! I crown you that now, just so you know.
Burning flesh? Very weird!
I hate to cook AND clean. I really need some help!
Thanks for the tag, I'll work on it next week.
Happy Halloween!
I've never touched a dolphin before. How cool!
I heart dolphins. they make me cry happy tears..
Oh Wendy! I have so many more videos in my arsenol... Just you wait ;)
I am homeless and as of 5:30 Un-Employed. I will get right on it tomorrow.... I posted my Halloween post already :)
Happy Halloween!!!!
Oh Princess Wendy, I should have known!! You will be jealous we are going to Mexico in a week and I am going swimming with the dolpins!!! I'll post pictures!
Oh, and thanks for noticing I was missing!! we were getting new floors put in, and we decided not to drive the man crazy with our kids and left town for a few days!!
okay, you took the word random to heart, indeed! very interesting facts, princess wendy!
You are the second person who tagged with this on the same day!
lol. I guess I'll HAVE to do it! :)
I want to play with a dolphin!
Wendy are you serious? I am bloody REALLY jealous! Green eyed monster!! It has been my dream for about 16 years, but there is no way I could afford it at Sea Worlds special place for it!! You are SO lucky!
A princess huh? That's pretty darn cool! How many of us can say that?
I have accepted the tag by the way. It won't post until Wednesday, so I guess you will just have to stay tuned...but no worries, it will post!
seriously human flesh?! As in you think YOU smell like human flesh, or your house smells like human flesh.... or maybe you think your sisters smell human flesh? *shudder*
Which one is it? I've never heard of that before!
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