Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years Eve!!

Happy New Year's Eve My Friends!!

The New Year’s Eve Party

The new year is coming; the party is near.
I’m sure looking forward to lots of good cheer.
I’ll be all dressed up in my snazziest best,
So I won’t disappear in the crowd like the rest.
I rap on the door and it opens to screams;
There are several guys hanging from high ceiling beams.
The guy in the lampshade looks ready to go,
As the girl on his shoulders shouts, "Giddyup Joe!"
I walk right on in to be one of the throng,
And they yell out my name while they bang a brass gong.
We laugh and we frolic, we dance and we sing,
(Is that my grandmother out there on the swing?)
This party is great, and the New Year looks bright.
Well, that’s how I dreamed it, while sleeping last night.
I’m thinking about you and wish you were here,
So I’m sending this poem to say Happy New Year!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

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Best & Worst Movies of 2009

First, I started a DeviantArt page...not sure if I will keep up with it at this point, it seems confusing and I like SIMPLE. But for now, here it is:

Okay now back to the post. Sadly I did see someone else has a post about the best movies of 2009, but they only list a few and you KNOW, I have so much more of an opinion than a few movies. So I decided to go with it anyways, best and worst. In NO particular order. This just lets you know some of the gems you may have missed, and now, sadly, have to wait until they are all on DVD to see. And it lets you know the ones you should be HAPPY if you missed these travesties!!

Best Movies of 2009

  1. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ( it's Shia and Bumblee...need I say more?)
  2. Avatar ( it was AMAZING!)
  3. Star Trek ( the coolest movie ever!)
  4. 2012 ( a MUST SEE)
  5. Trick 'R Treat ( scariest movie I have experienced in YEARS)
  6. Taken ( Liam can kick...butt!)
  7. Up ( It was magical and Disney, 'nuff said)
  8. Race to Witch Mountain (such an amazing remake!)
  9. Fanboys (funniest surprise I found all year)
  10. The Proposal (Sandra and Ryan rock with their chemistry)
  11. Inkheart ( I love Brendan Frasier and this movie was pure magic and adventure!)
  12. The Blind Side (such an amazing story based in reality, beautifully portrayed)
  13. Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (coolest movie about "freaks"!!)
  14. Zombieland (this movie was hilarious and I am dying to buy it!)
  15. Fame (music and dancing were fabulous, a treat for your senses)
  16. The Stepfather ( What a great thriller, Penn Badgley was good!)
  17. Bride Wars (Anne and war...hilarious and then sweet!)
  18. Duplicity ( Such a fun struggle between Clive and Julia)
  19. Law Abiding Citizen (What? I like revenge apparently!)
  20. Julie & Julia (Meryl Streep was amazing and it made me hungry)
  21. Orphan ( This was spooktacular and had a killer twist)
  22. My Life in Ruins ( Another Nia Vardalos HIT!)
  23. New in Town ( Life in Minnesota...what a funny movie!)
Those were THE best of the best. There were lots of other good ones, but these are at the top of the list.

Worst Movies of 2009
  1. Watchmen ( if you saw it...well it sucked!)
  2. The Killing Room ( so depressing...I already knew humans could suck)
  3. The Grudge 3 ( If you saw the first 2, you get it)
  4. Surveillance ( it was just bad. I am ashamed Bill and Julia for you.)
  5. The Accidental Husband ( Seemed so promising, but wound up just missing the mark)
  6. Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li (It was just so lame people)
  7. Shorts ( Ditto)
  8. My Bloody Valentine 3D (Not even my beautiful Jensen could save this piece of crap)
  9. Next Day Air ( Foul and left a feeling of wasted time)
  10. Jennifer's Body ( I found it to be just too nasty to like)
  11. I Hate Valentine's Day ( This Nia Vardalos missed the mark)
  12. Halloween II ( You'd be better off with the cheesy 80's version)
  13. Friday the 13th ( Ditto)
  14. Funny People ( Adam Sandler's dying, & he doesn't change for the was sad)
  15. District 9 (Beautifully made on that low budget, but it is too depressing)
  16. Drag Me to Hell ( Makes no sense or ends stupid...gets listed here)
  17. Bruno ( It is this GUY! I didn't see it, I know it)
  18. Carriers ( Was depressing and made no sense and ended bad)
  19. Angels & Demons(such a disappointment. This was supposed to be better than the first!)
  20. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans ( I loved the love story, but it made no real sense)
  21. Dragonball Evolution ( BAD movie and it was very lame!)
And there were, naturally, other horrible movies in 2009, but these were at the op of the list too! Yuck!

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Rest of Christmas Weekend

Sunday the 27th was a pretty good day. It was the 14th Anniversary since Pop, my Mom's father passed away, but sadly, I have less of a hard time on this day. It isn't that I don' miss him too, but Pop was a Brigadeer General, forced to retire after 41 years in the Army. He wasn't a grandfather that encouraged hugs or kisses...I have no idea how he even felt about me! Sadly, my Mom has said that herself. We loved him, but in a different way. He was very strict and could be very intimidating. Everything had it's PLACE in his house, so you better not mess anything up. We miss him, and I checked with my Mom during the day, but she feels he is in a better place, and is no doubt, commanding people about up in Heaven.

Anyway, we reheated Mom's soup and had it for dinner that night, with hot biscuits. I wanted to kill Katie because some "naturopath", one she doesn't even use anymore, said potatoes weren't good for her, so she scoops all the delectable potatoes out, and it takes forever! I had her put them back in the pot! There is only like a few bowls left now and I laid claim to the last of the soup. I am THE appreciator of my Mom's homemade soup, so I actually didn't get that much of a fight. Hmmpphh! Good!

Then we watched Four Christmases. Only my Dad and I had seen it. Katie was out with friends, and had just watched it with one of them. So Sam and Mom had yet to experience the nightmare that Reese and Vince go through that Christmas Day!! They liked it! They also found it odd that Jon Voight was the only SANE parent. We had a nice time, and even watched another episode of Criminal Minds before Mom went off to take a bath.

Katie got home and wanted to see a movie badly. So I went with her to the 11pm showing of It's Complicated. It wasn't crowded in OUR theater, which was good as it was a small one and we sat farthest back because it is still close to the screen! LOL! The parking lot was packed though, all these teeny-boppers and teens hanging out because they had no school the next day. Oy, I will be happy when they have to go back! Hehe! The movie...well I cannot DECIDED if I liked it or not! It was crazy! I mean, it was not boring, for even a second. But Alec Baldwin is so not the OLD Alec! Him stripping down and seeing that big belly is NOT attractive! Seeing his bare butt, is NOT a good thing, not in a LONG time!! I was telling Katie, Stephen does NOT need to be jealous of his brother Alec Anymore!! *shudders* It was definitely entertaining, but it was also such a bizarre little movie, it was I have no idea how I felt about that!! LOL! But I had a good time! And I wasn't bored, how could I be with Steve Martin and Meryl Streep being stoned out of their gourds, and Alec stalking his ex even as he is trying to make a baby with his current wife, the pretty Lake Bell, who was unlikable as Agnes I must say. Their kids and John Krasinski who was the fiance of one of the kids were my faves! Their reactions to their parents was good. And John, the fiance, being the one to figure out they are having an affair was HILARIOUS!! So with this particular movie, you will have to decide on your own. Let me know what you think if you do/have seen it though. I still am undecided!

We got home and after a shower I watched 2 Lifetime movies. There were a few on this weekend that didn't sound boring so I taped 4. I watched the last 2, The Nanny's Secret and Intimate Stranger which was based on a real case. Psycho guy stalking this woman he BRIEFLY dated and he has a hiding place IN her house she knows nothing about and starts making her life a living hell. And the police do not believe her as they can find no proof he has ever been inside the house since they ended things...well she ended things. She seems like an idiot in the start as he seems like the perfect guy, wants to make her life happy, but she was obviously smarter than we give her credit for as he is NUTS! Plus it turns out he has been in her crawl space since BEFORE they began dating....gross!! So that was my weekend! LOL!

On Monday shopping for food for the week and for New Years' Eve happened and we watched The Proposal, which was even better the second time. Man, Ryan Reynolds is HOT! Lucky Scarlett Johannsen!! My Mom is returning to work Tuesday which is sad, we had her for 5 days and now it is back to the normal schedule. My Dad is returning too, but he is already planning a few days off in January, so he is lucky.

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2nd Christmas day!

On Saturday, our "second day of Christmas", we wanted to go to the movies and have dinner out. So we went and saw SHERLOCK HOLMES!! Okay, so it was good, I give it a 7 out of 10. But they took a lot of the best parts for the trailer. So the best scenes WERE the trailer. I mean, I was entertained the whole time, not bored for a second, yet it wasn't as amazing as I had hoped. But I LOVE the chemistry between Downey Jr and Law, so I will be owning this movie for sure, like I said it was still good! What made me very happy, was it was SO made for a sequel. Holmes has NOT caught the bad guy Moriarty, who we never see the face of, and so he reopens the case just as the movie ends. SO a ...!! They HAVE to make at least ONE sequel now, just to have Holmes confront his enemy (THE enemy apparently from the books) and hopefully win McAdams permanently! I have done a little digging and at least 2 sites are saying that before it got out on Christmas, a sequel is already in the works, with maybe Brad Pitt playing Moriarty!! Wahoo!

Then we picked up Sandy and went to eat at Bertucci's! I wanted to try their bruschetta very much, so I agreed to get pizza if I could try it. I LOVE bruschetta when Jahoodie or Weezie make it, it tastes so yummy and fresh and just amazing! So I was hoping this would be great too. I have tried Olive Garden's and found it disgusting! So it arrived and it looked right! It was 5 pieces of the crisp warm bread with bruschetta on it. So I bit in, chewed and kind of "ehhhhhckkkkkkaaahhh". It was like, hot, as in spicy. I ate a whole piece and my Mom had one and so did my dad. Dad thought we were nuts, but Mom agreed. Then we dissected one to figure out if it was the tomatoes or the bread. Yeah, SO the tomatoes! Which weren't even good, so not fresh or tasty. Mom thinks they stewed the tomatoes in garlic for DAYS and served it, YUCK! It was awful!! So there is no where left to try for fresh yummy tasting bruschetta!!

I only had one piece of my Margherita pizza, which was excellent, but that dang bruschetta filled me, plus that one roll. So I had to have the rest boxed up. Dad had minestrone and caesar salad, and Mom and Sam split the Balsamic chicken. Katie was not there, she got together with friends from high school and then performed at Cafe Leb and then went to a diner with her friend Leeza and her son Adam who is a military "man". Sorry, when you have heard about someone since they were like 9, it is hard to think he is a MAN now. Anyway, so we ate and had good conversation with each other.

And then my Dad made me very happy. He stopped by Fashion Bug for me! When I recieved that soft huge cardigan sweater, I fell in LOVE! And I wore it ALL day. So I looked up Fashion Bug that night and saw it had one other color in the "Dip Dye Cardigan", grey to black! And it was on sale online! But I figured it might be on sale there too, IF they had it still. So Sam went in with me, pouring and all, as she had found it and showed it to my Mom in the first place, and found me the "cousin" one!! And it was the same sale, but no S+H charges!! Or taxes!! I had a twenty in my wallet and got a penny back! LOL! I was ecstatic! Two house sweaters that are so snuggly it is crazy! :)

When we got home, my Dad went to watch TV upstairs, but Mom, Sam and I watched an episode of Criminal Minds. Only 3 episodes left from last season. My Mom's new nightgown shrunk in the arms so it is not as comfy as she likes. I called down to Fashion Bug to ask if they had it in the next size up, as they had when I initially bought it but they only had miss sized left. And even online they were out. So Sam found a site though and found similar ones and we ordered her two. One for now, and one for her birthday which is in February. Not that she knows that! LOL! A head start is nice! Then I took a shower.

Then I got OCD! I realized while I always add movies I buy or get to MY list, I have failed to add what my parents and Kate (Sam has her own list) have gotten over the last year or so to the FAMILY movie list. So I went through ALL the movies tonight. I also did a little reorganizing and took ones I have seen so often or are okay but bot GREAT, and moved those to the closet bookcase and took some I haven't seen in awhile and are great out. Cleaned up a bit too. But we so need another bookcase for the closet. I have a few piles in there, because there wasn't enough room! And I got more for Christmas!!

Then I decided I wanted to type up my Christmasy post AND today's post, all tonight, and it has taken quite awhile!! So I will probably still not get to see Star Trek because it is already 3:41 am!! Oy!! Bloody OCD!

But Saturday was GREAT! And I was so much more relaxed because Christmas WAS over. So it was a really good day and I had so much fun!

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 09

Christmas Eve:

We had a really great time. We sat at the dining room table, a rare occurrence, and enjoyed my Mom's homemade chicken noodle soup and french rolls. So good! Then we all scurried around getting our Secret Santa gifts and Gifts from the Heart. I don't really have pics at this point. It was busy, you know, exchanging gifts! LOL! My parents loved the 2 pillows I had made for them, one with them on it, one with my sisters and I on it. And my sisters loved their screened t-shirts I had made. I created a character after myself and named her Woe. Actually Woe Isme...get it? Okay anyway, I ended creating one for Sam and one for Kat too. I named them the Isme Sisters. So I created images they had never seen before and had silk-screen them on. And I gave them their names on Christmas Eve. Katie's is Gloomie Isme, and Sandy's is Sorrow Isme. They loved them, yay! The first official Isme Sisters Merchandise! I had my Mom to shop Secret Santa for and got her Christmas in CT, Trapped in Paradise and a box full of almost 50 Nestle DeMet's Pecan turtles. She was so excited with the turtles especially! :)

My Mom had me for Secret Santa and she got me 2 things. One was fishing wire. A bit ago, I told her I didn't have the strength to hold on anymore, and she told me she and my Dad were holding on to me and with strong fishing wire, so it was symbolic. She also got me a Nintendo DS game I have been drooling over, Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box:

Then it was my Mom's turn for Gifts From the Heart (which I will now abbreviate as GFTH, because typing it is tiresome). She got us girls a box to keep our special personal ornaments in, and got us all, including my Dad, a new special ornament. Katie has an angel who is busy talking on the phone, Sandy got the two main characters from Corpse Bride, my Dad got a motorcycle and Mom got me Winnie the Pooh with Piglet:

She also got us girls each a new charm. Here is mine a green (one of my 2 fave colors) dragonfly (I like them a lot):

Sandy got my Dad this cool calendar she personalized with pictures as her GFTH for him. For my mom, she got this crystal heart necklace. You see, on my Mom's wedding day, she was given one by her father. And it was always there growing up. Katie borrowed it a few years ago and it has been missing since. So until (hopefully) we find it, Sandy got her a "twin". Such a wonderful idea. And for me and Katie, she us and herself, each a mini charm bracelet sized one, so we always remember that story:

She sent to the Mid-West an Applebee's certificate and her Secret Santa ended up the same person and she sent Sandy a Target gift card.

Katie, well she is a procrastinator, so she ended up, in one envelope my Dad opened, telling us she was taking us all to Taco Bell and a movie soon. Sure, a little more from the heart would have been sweet, but it is kind of Katie though. LOL. Katie sent the Mid-West person she got a gift card. Dad had her and gave her a gift card to Trader Joe's. She was so happy.

My Dad had the Mid-West guy send him a gift card to Home Depot, which he liked very much. For GFTH, my Dad gave us each a letter, which is private. For me he gave me the soundtrack to an LDS play we apparently saw when we were young. But he got it for me, it is called My Time on Earth, to remind me I am supposed to BE here, that it is my time:

He got Kate this beautiful painting picture from Deseret which has a story attached, and he got my Mom this Christmas Glenn Beck book, The Christmas Stocking I think. And he got Sandy the LDS Pride & Prejudice. (Poor Dad had no idea she knew about that version too and owned it. She has every movie version of it made. So they are going to exchange it for another LDS movie). The letters were the best part though.

Then we went and watched a Christmas movie. Kate and the parents had never seen Fred Claus so we watched that, and I think it is one of those rare times when my parents LIKE Vince Vaughn. It is a good movie.

And then it was showers and night nights.

Christmas Day:

Well, there were some rough spots. I have a hard time with Holidays and feeling insecure and stuff. But let us not dwell on those spots, lets go to the Christmas day.

Katie and Sandy woke us all up by bringing Max into our rooms, with his Christmas shirt and antlers on. I do not have pics yet, but will be having a "photo session", much to Max's dismay probably, but he was too cute!

We had egg sandwiches, much like McMuffins, but we substitute our last name. They are way better and we use regular bacon. Well regular BACON bacon for Mom and I. Turkey bacon for Dad, Kat and Sam. I think it is like paper but they love it. Strange people!

Then we all washed up and went and opened presents. Katie was ecstatic the most with 2 veils she got and a new mini trampoline. She has had like 3, but she uses them so much, she ends up breaking them. So she was thrilled. Sandy got movies and some faery statues, etc. My Mom loved the earrings and Christmas pins and nightgown I picked out and the books and other things Sandy had picked out...Dad so owes us, lol! Dad loved his new clothes he had wanted and hats and gloves and even a new portable tv, he LOVED that. I am over the moon with my stuff. I got the movies and 2 tv shows I really wanted.

A Skelanimal (sure he is damaged so we need an exchange...bah!)named Jack♥, 2 rings I love, a soft sweater they got huge so I can wear it around the house. A replacement Ipod battery (so happy with that, it gets less than an hour on FULL charge!), noise cancelling headphones, a portable dvd player and a few other things, some of which are personal.

And as is tradition, new Christmas pajamas!! Sam washed them all in time to wear Christmas night!!

We then cleaned up and stuff. I was so tired though, exhausted from not enough sleep and worrying. So I got cold so my Mom had me lay down and covered me up. They brought in cheeses and crackers and we munched. My Mom put in the shells we had made and we all lay down and they put in my new movie, Star Trek. I was a bit perturbed, only because I could feel myself falling asleep. And I was right, before the first scene, I was gone until it was just ending. Darn it! So I am the only family member yet to have seen MY movie! LOL! Crazy!!

Then we ate shells and garlic bread, very good, Mom and I did fabulous! Then Mom picked out Christmas in Connecticut. I was awake for this one, so I was upset my dad wanted to go to his room to "lay down and die", but gave in when everyone was like Let him go! Boo! But us girls watched it, and it was even better than I remembered. It had a short too attached, which was SO sweet. Can' remember the name, but it was like the night Christ was born, but took place in like the 1900's, cowboys and such.

Then we all took our turns at showers or baths and most went to bed for the night. I, however, stayed up and proceeded to get OCD about entering my new movies in the "List" I created, alphabetized, etc, of movies I own. Over 700 now. LOL!! Love me some movies indeed!! Then I took my medicine because Dad wanted to continue Christmas on Saturday.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dissed TV Part FOUR

The final 11 tv shows I feel were forced from our eyes too soon are: Dirty Sexy Money, Kyle XY, Moonlight, Popular, Women's Murder Club, Birds of Prey, Bionic Woman, Medical Investigation, The Evidence, Threshold and Haunted! Sorry I have gotten a bit lazy and borrowed descriptions for quite a few in the last 2 posts but made sure I added my take too!

I hope you have enjoyed learning about some really great TV shows that did not live long enough, and maybe found some to try!

1)Dirty Sexy Money - When idealistic attorney Nick George's (Peter Krause) father dies, he ends up taking his father's clients, the Darlings, led by patriarch Tripp (Donald Sutherland). It's not always easy for Nick handling both legal and sometimes illegal matters. Nick George goes through each episode trying to solve and correct the problems of each of the Darling family members. From fighting siblings to a dishonest husband to dealing with Tripp himself; Nick George certainly has his hands full in Dirty Sexy Money. Nick is also trying to deal with the fact that he is pretty sure one of the Darling's killed his father. And Karen Darling, his first love, is trying to get Nick back, which is not good news for Nick's wife or his kid Kiki. Nick is trying to work for this powerful family but maintain his standards at the same time, which proves difficult and he can't always do it. Secrets continued to unfold as we watched, the reveal that one of the Darlings is Nick's half-brother, Karen marrying the Darling's enemy, etc. Like Pushing Daisies there were more epsiodes, it probably won't tie the show up, but I can't wait for the dvd release so I can find out what other secrets were revealed and what each Darling is up to. Baldwin with a transvestite was one of the funniest parts, you GO Carmelita!! ON dvd.

2)Kyle XY - This was a travesty. It wasn't even a real 3 seasons, as 1 and 3, were only 13 episodes each. And it was such a great show, it put ABC Family on the map and the way it repays the show and the fans? Cancels it with no real resolutions! A mysterious teenager is found disoriented in the middle of traffic. Kyle, as he is later named, lacks a navel and has no recollection of his past. Taken in by the Trager family, Kyle discovers that he has extraordinary abilities. REALLY extraordinary. In the beginning he must be taught fundamentals such as urinating and what food is and what you do with it. His struggle with how to sleep was heart touching and for all the knowledge he has in that genius brain of his, he still has to learn basic human knowledge like a child. Jesse, his female counterpart showed up in Season 2, and has caused many problems for Kyle but that is all I can say without ruining it. But Jesse is no Kyle. While Kyle is innocent in his thinking, pure, and good. Jesse is dark, thinks in a selfish manner and shows lack of remorse. Kyle if he hurts someone feels their pain as if it is his own. He risks everything in this most recent season for his new family, he exposes himself to the evil Latnok, to save who he now considers his mother. How did he end up with no belly button? ON dvd and online!!

3)Moonlight - Oh the sheer meanness of taking HOT Alex O'Loughlin off the air!! Moonlight follows Mick St. John, an immortal vampire and private investigator and his struggle to exist after he was bitten 60 years ago by his vampire bride, Coraline, on their wedding night. It also follows his internal torment as he falls in love with one he should not, one who is mortal named Beth, a news reporter, as well as his dealings with the woman who made him a vampire, his sire Coraline. Josef plays Mick's immortal mentor. And man Josef played by Jason Dohring is funny, he is unrepentant for being a vampire bu doesn't kill anyone. Lots of vampire myths are slashed in this show. They can be in daylight but it weakens them to the point where they could die. Mick gets blood from a vamp who works at the morgue and sires no one. He is still furious his bride turned him. Plus he sleeps in a fridge. And his one weakness is Beth, she has always been his weakness. He saved her as a child from his Coraline, and thought he murdered her by fire, but she found a "cure" and is now human, but unfortunately for Mick and Beth, it doesn't last. And the series ended with Mick and Josef having to team up with the kind of vampires they despise to keep the existenceof vampires a secret, a secret which many have managed to keep hidden for centuries but rogue vampires might have ruined this happy lack of knowledge by humans. ON dvd. He is SO hot!!!

4)Popuar - On the popular side: Brooke McQueen, a gorgeous blonde, and the head cheerleader; backed up by her best friend Nicole, the Devil in person; as well as her boyfriend, Josh Ford, star of the football team; Mary Cherry, the psychotic multi-millionaire Texan girl; and Sugar Daddy, the heavy-set wannbe gangsta and football player. On the unpopular side: Sam McPherson, the smart girl who is always looking to expose injustice; Harrison, the geek with a crush on the head cheerleader; Carmen Ferrara, the heavy girl with the warm heart; and Lily, the confused activist girl with the boyish look.Brooke and Sam, enemies by nature, must deal with their parents’ marriage to each other and their high school rivalry. Really that is the best description, the unpopular versus the popular and what happens when the two *gasp* MIX!! It is all about popular people starting to embrace their unpopular feelings, and the unpopular getting some popularness, and the mixing of the two in this school is volatile! Oh man I HATED how they stopped this show! Nicole RUNS OVER Brooke!! We never see what happens, it was expected to return the next year so they left off with this HUGE cliffhanger! Is Brooke alive? We know NADA!! ON dvd! Starred Leslie Bibb, Carly Pope, Christopher Gorham, etc.

5)Women's Murder Club - I loved this drama based on James Patterson's books. I loved the 2 movies they made based on other books of his and when they got such a great group of actresses, especially Angie Harmon who I love, and then Laura Harris from Dead Like Me, I knew I was going to like it. And I did, you got to see crimes from 3 points of view. A cop, a soroner, an ADA and a reporter. Their chemistry and their "it's not a club" was fascinating!! And all the while there is a serial killer who is too focused on Lindsay (Harmon, the cop) the Kiss Me Not Killer, who sews his dead victims mouths shut. So the real description is a show that tells the story of four friends from different walks of life who come together to form a unique murder investigation team. Their jobs as a homicide detective, a medical examiner, a newspaper reporter and an assistant district attorney give them a formidable range of skills, and their strong friendship provides the basis for the teamwork that's necessary to crack each case. The last epsiode was a cliffhanger. We found out who the killer was and he kidnaps Lindsay's dad and shoots him, but Lindsay captures him. And she meets with the girls only to be called and told her father has flatlined....and fade to black.....STOP IT!!!! Not on dvd.

6)Birds of Prey - It was just nice and cool to have a show based on FEMALES being the superheroes. It starred Ashley Scott , Dinah Myer and the beautiful Shemar Moore. Legend tells of a caped crusader, Batman, guardian of New Gotham, and his one true love, Catwoman, the queen of the criminal underworld. Their passion left behind something extraordinary, a daughter, Huntress. Half metahuman, she has taken up her father's mantle and under cover of the night, fights to protect the innocent and helpless. Joining her in this struggle, Oracle, who was once Batman's protégé, Batgirl. She was caught in the crossfire of the war between Batman and Joker, now she fights crime a different way, a master of the cyber-realms and mentor and trainer to heroes. Together, they have taken in a young runaway, Dinah, a metahuman herself with powers to open hidden doors to the mind, powers that she is only beginning to explore. Together, these three are the protectors of New Gotham - the Birds of Prey. SO cool! The one plus is Shemar is on Criminal Minds now so I can still see him every week! ON dvd.

7)Bionic Woman - Another one that just stopped dead in it's tracks and again it was a powerful woman...what is up with that?!! Jaime Sommers is nothing but a hard-working woman juggling work as a bartender, the responsibility for the care of her younger sister, Becca, and her relationship with her boyfriend, Will. Although she does not have much, Jaime has always enjoyed being as normal as any other human being. However, this all changes when she is hit by a car and seriously injured. Her only hope becomes an experimental and top secret procedure, but, as Jaime soon discovers, this salvation comes at a high price. And one she did not agree to, she is seriously pissed when she wakes up and see herself before the skin is placed over these new "parts". It is half her body that is now mechanical, sure super hyped-up mechanical but it is not her and she didn't ask for this, she thinks her boyfriend was selfish to do this to her. Now she has to keep everything she does a secret from her little sister, and their trelationship is tenuous. And this company feeld they OWN Jaime now that she has millions of dollars of their equipment, which they didn't agree to put IN her. So she agrees to work for them but uh oh, they have a bionic woman already, and she is supposed to be dead and she is pissed herself. Jaime is not completely bionic so she has her weak parts, this woman, NO weaknesses. ON dvd.

8)Medical Investigation - This was such a cool show I am still angry years later that it wasn't given enough of a chance, they had the coolest medical things happen! Neal McDonough and Kelli Williams star as members of a mobile medical team from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who are summoned in a heartbeat to scope out -- and hopefully snuff out -- outbreaks of unexplained and fearful diseases. These specialists drop out of the sky anywhere and have government carte blanche to take charge when people start dying, which requires them to medically re-construct grisly events to prevent the next epidemic, plague or contagion. McDonough stars as Dr. Stephen Connor, the leader of the team whose take-charge attitude has enabled him to save the lives of millions, but in the process, has sadly cost the separated Connor his family. Williams portrays Dr. Natalie Durant, who specializes in pathology and epidemiology and works under the supervision of Connor, a man whom she respects, but is willing to stand up to in any life-threatening situation. The elite team also includes Troy Winbush as specialist Frank Powell, a quiet but intense medical inspector who is friends with Connor. Likewise, Powell works well with Dr. Miles McCabe, the newest and youngest member of the team who tries to prove his "wunderkind" reputation is deserved -- but struggles to mature and keep pace with his colleagues in the big leagues. Anna Belknap also stars as the NIH's publicity liaison Eva Rossi, a woman who uses unconventional methods to keep the media at bay in the middle of a crisis. Their first episode had people in New York City start turning the color blue. A diner ended up being at the center and SALT. Each case seemed impossible and like it could never happen that way but this show proved otherwise! NOT on dvd.

9)The Evidence - This show was only given 4 epsiodes before it was pulled but I liked what it had to say and who was saying it. All the evidence of a crime is presented at the beginning of each episode in a videotaped evidence log by Martin Landau. The story then goes back in time and shows each clue as the crime is committed. The Evidence stars Orlando Jones as Inspector Cayman Bishop, Rob Estes as Inspector Sean Cole, Martin Landau as Dr. Sol Goldman, and Anita Briem as Emily Stevens. Showing the evidence was supposed to give the audience the clues so they could try and solve the crime before the detectives did and I thought that concept was very radical and Orlando is always a joy to watch and Rob is nice eye candy, LOL. Wouldn't you have liked a chance to solve a crime? NOT on dvd.

10)Threshold - I am putting this one on my birthday list, I actually don't own it yet! I KNOW! How odd of me! Molly Anne Caffrey (Carla Gugino) is a government contingency agent whose job is to create response plans for any possible worse-case scenario. One of her plans - THRESHOLD - is enacted by J.T. Baylock when the U.S. Navy realizes an "extra terrestrial craft" has landed in the mid-Atlantic ocean. Caffrey's Threshold plan calls for the formation of a secret government task force known as the Red Team. As a result, several top scientists are seconded: Dr. Nigel Fenway (Brent Spiner), an individualistic NASA-employed microbiologist; Lucas Pegg (Rob Benedict), a somewhat unsure-of-himself aerospace engineer on the eve of his marriage, and Arthur Ramsey (Peter Dinklage), a mathematics and liguistics genius whose libido makes up for his lack of height. Caffrey's government liaison is Deputy NSA J.T. Baylock (Charles S. Dutton), while freelance paramilitary operative Sean Cavennaugh (Brian Van Holt) serves as the "muscle" of the group (and apparent potential love interest for Caffrey). Threshold learns that the aliens are attempting to rewrite the DNA of the human race using, in part, an audio signal that somehow alters some people's body chemistry in such a way that they become alien themselves. Central to all this is a frascal triskerion pattern that keeps appearing – in electronic signals, blood, and even the pattern made by city lights. Its significance has yet to be revealed, though Arthur Ramsey interpreted it as representing a DNA pattern in a triple helix formation (like the alien DNA). The episodes focus on Caffrey and her team as they learn more about the signal, the fractal pattern, and the aliens. Often, their work requires them to impersonate different U.S. Government agencies. Compounding the situation, Caffrey, Cavennaugh and Pegg were exposed to a small part of the signal, which while not (as yet) infecting them, has nonetheless altered their brains, causing the trio to have bizarre, linked dreams, and also receive messages from the aliens with Caffrey, in particular, experiencing frightening, often violent hallucinations. Individuals experiencing these visions have been referred to as "dreamers" by the Threshold Red Team. ON dvd!!

11)Haunted - Matthew PRE-Lost. Police officer Frank Taylor had the perfect job and perfect family. After his son's unsolved abduction, his life, marriage and career disintegrate. He leaves the force to become a private investigator specializing in missing and abducted children cases. His ex-wife has come to terms with the loss of their child, but Frank is obsessed with one day finding their son. I mean, he is OBSESSED! One day Frank's life is forever changed while trying to apprehend Simon, a man linked to several child abductions who eludes the police. A fatal clash leaves Simon dead and Frank in critical condition. As the doctors try to save his life, Frank has a near-death experience in which he sees his missing son. When Frank regains consciousness, he finds that the dead can communicate with him, and that their confusing and frightening manifestations are usually intended to help him in his work. Some of the dead however—including Simon—abuse his new abilities to intentionally mislead or harm him. But all he wants, as he helps the dead, is to find his kid and he will go through whatever he has to, to find him!! NOT on dvd.

So that is the end of my series on DISSED TV, and shows that should still be around and have had at least many seasons before meeting the end. I thank the people who READ my posts about these shows and hope I didn't scare anyone off. I told you, I AM LOYAL!! :)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

And you thought YOUR Holiday Plans were a Bust?!

Let me share a little story about my two cousins, Kori and Yati, which was in the news. If you think your holiday/Christmas was bad, think again. My Cousins win that award hands down! Love you guys!! And they prefer Kori and Yati over Elizabeth and Jennifer CBS!! Even sadder? They missed their friend's wedding and doing the charity work at an outreach facility they were so excited about. Boycott Orbitz, they are NOT happy with the company, don't let the coverage fool you!

Sisters Miss Trip To Turkey Because Of Their Names

Sisters Were Told Their Names Are Too Long For Airline Computers

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Jennifer Yatiri Moravec-Flores (left) and her sister Elizabeth Kori Moravec-Flores were stuck at O'Hare for nearly three days and missed a trip to Turkey because their last names apparently were too long for airline computers responsible for their tickets.


Just when you think you've heard it all, along comes a brand new airline horror story.

A pair of women were stuck at O'Hare International Airport for nearly three days. They told CBS 2's Vince Gerasole that their names were apparently too long to confirm the reservation.

"We were cancelled off the flight because our last name is too long," said Jennifer Yatiri Moravec-Flores.

Her sister, Elizabeth Kori Moravec-Flores, said, "I was upset. I was delirious earlier. I was laughing, I was psychotic, I almost lost it.

Admittedly, their names are kind of long: at least 26 letters each, often using two lines on their passports and drivers licenses.

On Tuesday, they flew without problems from Salt Lake City to O'Hare, but when connecting to Turkish Airlines in Chicago, their confirmed reservation to Istanbul through on-line booker Orbitz was denied.

Paperwork for their reservations should have had the name "Moravec-Flores," but instead it read only "Moravec-F."

Orbitz verified that the airline told the sisters their last names were too long for its system.

"It does seem absurd that my name is too long. It's my name," Elizabeth said. "Other people have longer names than us."

In general, airlines require a special reservation for last names using more than 20 characters. But their last name is only 14 characters.

Even so, Orbitz said that Turkish Airlines flagged the sisters' reservation and even confirmed a special booking because of the length of their names. Orbitz claimed that step never made it to the airline's Chicago gate agents.

"It's terrible I just want to go home," Jennifer said.

After more than two days of negotiating with ticket agents, wandering the airport and waiting in stand-by lines for a possible flight, the surprisingly upbeat Moravec-Flores girls were set to fly home to Salt Lake City on Friday.

But their flight home was cancelled because of the weather.

That didn't seem to put a damper on their mood, though. "You have to be optimistic. It's the holidays," Jennifer said.

The sisters did catch a later flight and got home to Utah on Friday. They said Orbitz was very helpful.

Orbitz said they were paying for the trip from Chicago to Utah, and were working with Turkish Airlines on a refund for the tickets which were about $2,000 each.

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO COVERAGE DONE BY CBS. They were also interviewed by Univision and NBC.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my friends out there in Bloggy-Land!!

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Santa is coming people!! Be on your best behavior!! I am hoping I am too busy to post Christmas Eve, so have a wonderful night!! And a WONDERFUL holiday!!

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Pigs, Blue People and Shells

Okay so I am going to TRY and make myself briefer, as I tell you what has been going on the last 2 days. Because it is officially Christmas Eve DAY and well I want to relax and prepare myself for family time and exchanges, etc. Christmas can be the "most wonderful time of the year", but it can also be super stressful, as I experienced later this evening. So I want to tell you about Tuesday and Wednesday, but be less detailed, just for the holiday season being ON us now, okay?

Okay so on Tuesday I went and picked up Hannah, and dang, it was freaking COLD. We drove over to A.C. Moore to look for a craft. We circled the store once and found NOTHING. And we were like willing to make the lamest of projects, we just wanted ONE! And it was packed man, I have never seen it so busy before! The second time around we found these tiny piggy bank kits that came with glitter glue and paints and stickers, so we got two of those and this kids bracelet book, that came with enough for 2 bracelets, I picked up too. Then we braved the LONG lines and got back to the now frigid car.

We drove over to Tokyo Sushi and as usual, it was dead. They just are never busy. So as people who do NOT like crowds, it was perfect. I ordered my usual, chicken and vegetable tempura, I so love that. Hannah got pork dumplings and she decided to brave a new sushi roll. It is called the GODZILLA roll! I know...scary!! I took a picture, as it was very colorful and I was just in awe someone ate that and found it delicious. She loved it!

It was really fun making her GET the Japanese soda she was so hoping they had. She has tried their original flavor, which apparently tastes like melted gummi bears, but she got to try peach and she adored it. I was fascinated as she "made" it, you end up with a clear marble in the top half of the bottle which seems to cause the carbonation! So cool looking, I wish I could drink carbonated things!!

Then we went back to my house and the meeting of Max began. He was so loud and barking non-stop for 10 minutes, but because she was on his level and being nice to him and talking to him, he calmed down after that. So much so that all night long, since she smells of her dog Crusher, Maxie was trying to "make babies" with her arm. Luckily she found it hysterical and he didn't get TOO fresh. He even played fetch and gave her his belly, and he was like SCORE, I found another belly scratcher!! He was so good after the first 10 minutes...except for the occasional arm loving thing...oy. LOL. We did our crafts and they turned out so cute! Here is Hannah's pirate pig and my Indian Princess pig:

And here is a pic of parts from my bracelet and one of part of Hann's bracelet, I love the Kapow, lol!

Then after we played with Max more, we watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith, which Hannah had never seen before! I know! She knows! She has no idea why she had never seen it. But she really liked it and I, as always, LOVED it! Then we talked a bunch and Katie, since she was up, drove us back over to Hannah's to drop her off around 4 am. I got home, talked to my Mom for a few, Max followed and stayed with Mom, she loved that! He stayed until she woke up for work, so she was so happy with him! LOL! Then I showered and took my pills and zonked out.

On Wednesday, my Dad and I had our Daddy/Daughter Day. We went and saw Avatar! *arms flailing* It was SO good!! I knew it looked more promising as I saw better commercials, but you have no idea how good it is until you see it! It is so much more story driven than I thought it would be. It is not all attacks and battles, which there ARE, but it is so much more about the amazing story! I loved it! Will Jake Sully get his legs back by giving up all the Navi's secrets? Or will he change sides and fight for these alien creatures, on their gorgeous and so cool planet? And even if he sides with them, will they want his help? It is the story and the characters that I loved the most. And obviously, the world of Pandora, was absolutely amazing, and I am in awe of the creators! If yu had doubts about going to see this movie, stop the doubts and GO and see it!

After the movie, which was long, I love that, it made me feel the money was worth it, we went out to dinner. We went to Chili's, chattering because it was so cold, and had yummy food. I thought the salad was the best part for some reason and also had a burger bite and a south-western egg roll. My Dad picked from my plate too and we took my left overs home. We talked about stuff from the movie to the accident, etc. It was a really fun time.

Then we got home, and all of a sudden, the fact that it was 10pm, and I still had to make stuffed shells, un-tarnish my silver jewelery, take a shower, etc, made me freak. I was having stomach pains, I was so stressed out. And then I realized I had never bought the mozzerella cheese, so at 11pm at night I had to drive down to the grocery store, which was NOT fun. I am not okay driving, I don't know when I will be, and now with snow and black ice? I am terrified. And the fact that no one offered to go with me? Was like the last straw. So when I got home and found my Mom boiling the shells for me, I was quiet until she finally was like what's wrong, and then I was sobbing. Part of it probably is that I have been doing stuff non-stop since Saturday. And it just got to be too much. So she hugged me and then we made the shells together and she helped me with my jewelery. Then we sat for a bit and she told me about her BAD day at work and then I took a shower and said goodnight when I got out as she was reading in bed, and Max was with her and still IS!! He is being a Momma's boy, maybe he knows she is tired and had a bad day. He is good with that sort of thing.

So that was my last two days! And it is officially Christmas Eve Day!! Have a good one, people!!

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Favorite Artists...M.C. Escher

My second most favorite artist is M.C. Escher. He did graphic art so beautifully, I could only ever hope to emulate him. If you are thinking at any point, WHO? I assure you, you HAVE seen a piece of his artwork, sometime in your life. He did drawings, lithographs, wood carvings and much more. His use of positive and negative space, and what some call "impossible" space, is breath-taking. My favorite of his works, medium-wise, are his lithographs and his wood cuts. Many feel a lot of his work is inspired by mathematics, which makes me loving his work make that much more sense. I love math, mostly algebra, but math makes sense to me, clicks in my brain. And apparently, he found that it clicked also. Because he studied mathematics and wrote papers, and Escher is a favorite artist of mathematicians and scientists.

By the time he was 18, Escher was already creating art work. He had gone to school for architecture, but told his father almost immediately that he wanted to work in graphics. And a teacher at the time, excitedly encouraged this change in studies.

In fact, except for a period when he had surgery when he was around 63 or 64, he was continuously producing art. He was creating that much artwork. I mean, for a year to be noted, that no new images were created, that means something. Other artists, authors, etc. can go years between work and it is not even noticed, but M.C. was art free for one year as he recuperated and it was noticed. That was how strong his presence was in the art world.

During the month of March, 1972, Escher's condition deteriorated. His family gathered around him, taking turns sitting by his hospital bed. On March 27, 1972, he died, at the age of 73.

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Oooohhh, now you are In TROUBLE!!

That's right, you only have THREE days left to get things DONE! And you guys going out shopping on Christmas Eve day are CRAZY!! The stores were scary tonight and I was just picking up toilet paper and cups and such! You better get a move on and get that last minute shopping done NOW! I am DONE. Sure, I may have wrapping in my future...oh yuck, I hate wrapping...but otherwise my shopping days are DONE! My Mom is all bought for and she says she is 95% done for Dad too. Goodness yes! They are the hardest and wait the longest to say what they want!

I am nervous and excited to get together with Hannah Tuesday night. We are going to buy a craft to make, but first go to Tokyo Sushi for dinner. I will NOT be having sushi, Hannah eats cooked sushi though. Good for her. I wanted to like it, any kind...but I so did NOT! And then Wednesday with my Dad will be great fun. I have to make stuffed shells that night though so it is a full day. The family wants stuffed shells Christmas night and of course, they only like how I make it...yeah sure! Pssssh! Blackmailers, the lot of them.

Tonight I am really unhappy with both my sisters. Katie, we were kidding around and all of a sudden, she actually thought I would actually text her friend that she sucked. Her friend DOES suck, but I wouldn't do that, and she should know that about her own sister. I have held my tongue about how much I loathe some of her friends, but she actually decided, after laughing one minute, that I would. I am pissed, that kind of judgement just reminds me of that family member I allude to. Makes me feel sick. So I wrote her an angry email I hope she reads tonight, as I am NOT talking to her, I am too angry and suck at expressing myself in person most of the time.

I just want to concentrate on Christmas and getting together with a friend tomorrow and hoping she likes the Christmas gift I got her. And gets WHY I got it for her, like the symbolism behind it. is too bloody hard, especially this time of year!

Here is a clips from The Bishop's Wife...the original!!

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