Sorry Tim but I am cheating this week in a way. If I start talking about my strongest emotion today, I will get upset and that is not a good place for me, ever, but especially right now. But I don't like the idea of missing a week either. So I decided to post a song that kind of sums up how I am feeling right now and how I hope to feel one day. And I made this video in Windows Movie Maker so I gathered all the images and such, but I just cannot handle baring my soul on camera tonight in my normal way. So I hope you find this up to snuff. It is not to be depressing, the images, it is just the way I am feeling. I hope you feel this counts, I did put a lot of work into it.
I use insoles for flat feet...
2 weeks ago
14 meaningful meanderings:
Hi Wendy,
Very moving video. I admire you for always putting yourself out there. Takes a lot of courage to be REAL.
Great video Wendy. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!!
I pray you find your joy.
Great video, I hope you feel better soon! ::hugs!::
saying prayers for you now Wendy!
I did very much enjoy this vlogpost! It actually gives me an idea for a theme so thanks for that. My kids are still singing stand your ground right this minute.
Editing is a great way to convery emotions and you NAILED it!
Nice job! This more than counts!
Love and Prayers,
this video is awesome and creative!
I hope you feel better!
I could tell that a lot of work was put into it. It's a great video that conveys strongly what you are feeling.
Hope you have a smile soon.
My 1st visit--I came over from Tim's. You put a lot of work into that video for sure.
Said a prayer for you...
May the peace and power of the LORD rest with you.
I LOVE how I can use music to minister to my heart, when words can escape me at times or I just DON'T want to speak, I allow the music to speak for my heart...((Hugs)) Thank you for sharing precious one...
Who's Tim?
I am sorry you are feeling lonely Wendy, that's what I got from the Vlog. I hope you know that there are LOTS of people that read your blog (I look forward to it very much) and that support you! And I hope that we can say that we know the REAL you...since it is your blog and I think you share most of yourself here. Chin Up, there's always a tomorrow :)
This makes me sadd. =[
Very well done! I like the song. I'll have to see about getting it for my files.
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