Monday, June 15, 2009

Kickin' My Own Butt

I am actually quite serious. Sandy and I were doing one of the Walk Away the Pounds programs and when you have to do the kick-backs, you are supposed to kick backwards as far as you can, with a bended knee. Now I don't know if it is like really good flexibility, leftover from the years of dance and acrobatics, but each kick-back I kick myself in the butt. Both sides and you can hear it. It makes Sandy laugh, and she was all, "Do your blog friends know you kick yourself in the rear when you work out?", so I was like, I WILL tell them! I know I am doing it right too, so I am hoping that just means that I am flexible in this one area. I can do the lotus easily too, so what do you guys think? Is kicking my own butt good flexibility or not?

Went grocery shopping today, had to go to two stores becuase the soda deals (soda I can't drink, waahhhh) were at Price Chopper, but the rest of the groceries I prefer to buy at Stop & Shop. My Dad went with me and pushed the cart but the man CAN drive me nuts. I will be going along, and end up having my hands filled with boxes and cans. I turn around expecting him and the cart to be there, but he took off or is at the other end of the aisle looking at something. Well then leave me the cart, NO that is my job, he says. Agghh!LOL! And he will point out, you don't have that on the list...I MADE the list, if I didn't put it on the list it is okay, I either forgot to add it to the list or didn't think about it or even just think we could use it. But every item today, he had to let me know it wasn't on the list. Of course he could add salsa and frozen burritos, but when I bring it up, it's only 5 dollars Wendy! And then he turned it into a competition. Last week he went for me because Mom worried I was sick and he stuck to the list and spent 150. Although he said they didn't have milk or these ice cream bars we get. And because I was 167 today he was crowing. I LIKE my father being in a good mood, but NOT in a competitive mood at the grocery store when he is supposed to be HELPING me.

I'm A Celebrity was almost...sweet. Janice confiding in Lou. Patti in John. Everyone telling John to stay. Although then we had to get TMI from Janice, man I cannopt stand her, she certainly keeps things interesting. Did you all watch Daytime in No Time with Speidi?? It is on Yahoo news right now. Speidi are not ashamed of anything they did and yes Heidi does still consider herself a moder day "Mother Theresa" did she say that without cracking up?!! And Spencer with "I want to be a hero in real life"....oy vey. And guess what, the first 18 Kids and Counting married having a child, Yup and it is a girl...please let them NOT continue the "J" name tradition! It is ridiculous!!

I am watching Jon and Kate plus 8 right now...why is the episode focused on Jon's bike from OCC? What does that have to do with the kids? It is boring me so far. Jon is having a mid-life crisis a little too soon. That bike looks dangerous and he has 8 kids! Gahhh! I am loving the cute moped they made for Kate though, but she isn't even keeping it. Giving it away to the Ronald McDonald house is really nice, but there are other things she could donate, she has a LOT now. Deciding when you are given a gift, that they personalized just for just soured me on Kate tonight. It's like, they put all that work into it for her and she just didn't appreciate it. Mikey from OCC going to the spa was cute though! That big guy getting a pedicure and asking for US Weekly was hilarious. Kate luckily got that he was joking and loved it. They plan on doing a charity together now, which is cute as a button!LOL!

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10 meaningful meanderings:

Sarah said...

I can't kick my own butt and I am NOT flexible so that may be it. I just stood up at work and tried it...nope :)

Toriz said...

I would say being able to kick your own butt definately makes you nice and flexible. And I'm pretty sure that's a good thing. :)

Man, shopping with your Dad does NOT sound fun!

Jillene said...

hehe!! I LOVE that you can kick your own butt!! AWESOME!!

Fiauna said...

I think you should post a video of you kicking your own butt. ; ) I can't do that.

Anonymous said...

haha! yes! kicking your own butt is mad flexibility. If they told me to do that I'd definitly be kicking my butt too. =D
That's what happened to me in gym class. when i started running more lazily i was kicking my butt. really funny actually i had dirt prints all over it. haha

Natalie said...

Great post, Wendy! I've been MIA for a while and it was so cool to catch up on all your stuff! For starters, THANK YOU for the bloggy award! My first!!! Second, I can kick my own butt too and I'm grossly flexible so us elasta-girls should stick together. LOL Oh, and I loved the mental image of your dad taking off with the cart. My kids do that to me and it drives me INSANE! Also, I'm not loving Jon & Kate this season. What's with their wierd materialistic, guest star on every episode, going through a divorce-ness? So sad.

Brandi. said...

I love Walk Away The Pounds!
I remember watching that 18 Kids show once. It's completely crazy! I keep telling my husband we should have 18 kids. LOL. He's not going for it...
I hate shopping with men... My husband is almost as bad...

Lee said...

I can kick my own butt, and I can kick my leg up and kick my friend's butts while we're walking.
"Was that your foot?!"

You should try Diet Rite soda. It's made with Splenda, and it tastes good. Plus it has no calories or anything.

Wendyburd1 said...

Lee I can't drink soda anymore, it is so sad!! I do sneak Icees though, but while they are technically carbonated, they do lose most while in the metal drums...I researched it!LOL!

Whitney R said...

we called them butt kickers. did them to warm up for all of my sports. Helps stretch your quads and works your hams! Kicking your rear is good! Your contracting your hams more :D

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