So Sam went down to Game Crazy at Hollywood Video, and nope, they do NOT rent games, how lame!! So to try out the system with a game she recognized, she had to shell out $37 for Super Marios. Super MArio should NOT be that much, it has been a game FOREVER!! Anyway, she played did, and was all, "I don't Know what to do..." *insert whine here*!!
Obviously since they were not for rent, she did not get a cooking game or a Nancy Drew for me to try. And while I was out grocery shopping...she returned it...I am SAD! I didn't even get to say goodbye. To check my Brain Age today! Target took the system and the 2 Brain Age games back since she only had them for 48 hours. Game Crazy though? Even though she had the game for only a few hours they only gave her $12 for it!!! Store Policy according to them! Idiots!! And unfortunatley she did NOT think of selling it on Ebay or Amazon at the time. She was just wanting any money she could get. That sucks! She spent $25 today on basically...nothing! It is sad, I really do miss it. Could I afford to buy the system myself? Yeah, and if buying the system was it, I would do it right NOW. But spending 30 to 40 bucks a pop on games, ONE game?! Uh, NO! If that makes me cheap, so be it! And most of these games you have never played, so if you HATE one, you can't get your money back!! That sucks. And I get tired of a game once I have won it. Hot Dish, I bought it, and never play it since I won the whole game. Sure, stuff like Brain Age trains your brain every day, but most are just plain games, object of the game? Win.
I am bummed though. Since we have never HAD a game system (brother Mike bought 2 while living at home, returned them within 2 days...and he lives in Minensota now so we have never played his XBOX), it was cool, such new thing, and I loved the stylus pen, how I wrote the answers and it took them, how it had a microphone and listened to if I got other things right, out loud. I miss that tiny black rectangle...I will try to cheer myself a bit with the thought that spending $40 on one game, can get me Heroes Season 3 next year. But I am still sighing, THIS is why I should never have touched it. I am SUCH as addict to things...good thing I have never smoked, had alcohol or hard!
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1 month ago
9 meaningful meanderings:
I have a ds and I am way too attached to it!! I have to say... the super mario game freaking rocks.
I'm not a gamer, but isn't there other places you can rent a game. Doesn't NetFlix or Blockbuster offer game rentals. Perhaps if you had an inexpensive way of getting your game fix you could get that game system you want.
I think CaJoh has a great suggestion.
GameFly!!! I make Eric rent the games before he buys them. That way he can beat a game in less than a month, and get another one...and save us the $60 it would have cost to buy it!
Great post! Come see the pictures I just posted on my blog :) Happy New Year 2009! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna
I love Super Mario! I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii and I also like Super Mario Sunshine.
I'm pretty sure you can rent games from... let me find the site.
So if you guys want to try that out it might be useful for you.
Game Crazy sucks anyways.
Renting is definitely the way to go. You should go ahead and buy the system and just rent the Nancy Drew games. That's what I would do at least.
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