It was so bloody hot today, WHERE is Spring?!! It got up to 89 degrees in the house so around 6pm my Dad decided FINALLY the Air Conditioner needed to be uncovered, filters switched and turned on. Hallelujah! I don't sleep well when I am broiling so I may be a little snippy today, but not much I'd say, just hot. It is finally feeling cool, so that relaxes my tension.
My parents bought a NEW grill yesterday and put it together, isn't she a beaut?
And that IS our grill and my yard in that pic. Baby fence put up so MAx could roam free on the deck, but he knows when he is hot too and ♥'s the air conditioning! Anyway, we had regular burgers (me and Mom), turkey burgers and hot dogs, watermelon (so red but not sweet, so sad), english cucumbers and etc. It was a delicious meal, our new BBQ was a virgin for less than 24 hours, and made us all proud to have her as our new BBQ. Sorry old one that is who knows where, you were 10 years old and very rusty, Dad leaving you out ALL winter uncovered and all!
Tonight we finally watched Twilight and it was fine, but I had adored it, so these are my theories. One is, I am still afraid things like Twilight wil get so stuck in my head again (and it was Twilight that got stuck so bad) and so my brain was protecting me. Two is that after "reading" (okay listening to but that is still reading in it's own way) the real books, I kept thinking that's NOT how it happened so I was too busy being hyper critical to enjoy it. I mean Bella finds out in the car on the way home from Port Angeles people!! AND there is NO 2,000 questions from Edward like in the book, that is a favorite part of mine! Those are my theories but I still can't wait for New Moon in November. I hope they make the Edward-less part only half of the movie, because he was only in 1/4 of the book and that was too infuriating for us on Team Edward!!
Oh and thanks to whoever put that link to what WAS written for Midnight Sun, I read it online, so it isn't really reading but close enough, and though it was repetitive in some ways, I loved learning WHAT was going through Edward's mind when he first smelled Bella and his reaction when Alice told them she and Bella would be BFF's! So thank you, I was SO sad that it stopped just as it got to the part where it was HIS turn to ask questions. Sad!!!
P.S. Check out this Friends clip that has HUGH LAURIE!! ♥♥♥♥ him!!!
I use insoles for flat feet...
1 month ago
12 meaningful meanderings:
We BBQd today, too! Only it wasn't 89 degrees outside. It was like, 55 or 60...which was better than the storm that was expected.
I'm pretty excited for the New Moon movie. Honestly, I didn't like the Twilight movie, at first. I think the more I watched it, though, the more I loved it. Haha. I'm Team Jacob, though, so New Moon might be more enjoyable for me.
That picture made me spit all over my computer when I first saw it.... hahahahahaha (The one of the wolves)
Glad you're enjoying the new BBQ. :)
Listening to a book is definately the same as reading one. For some people that's the only way most books are accessable.
We've gotten kinda sticky here too. The AC needed to be turned on and all the fans brought home from the storage facility. I wish it was winter again...
I didn't like the movie. It cut out all the good stuff. It didn't show just how "into" bella Edward is. It didn't show just how intense it was with them... boo!
I love to BBQ. I think we need to clean ours off. Maybe BBQd Spam would actually be OK. Yeah, probably not.
I LOVE to BBQ!! I think that the food tastes so much better. I bought my hubby a new one for Father's Day last year and it too was a virgin for only 10 hours. We used it the first night!!
I can't believe how warm it's been here in Connecticut!
That's the first poster I've seen for New Moon. I hope they're going to use the same Jacob they used in Twilight. I don't see him in the picture. He was PERFECT as Jacob!
Nice new grill! :)
I love Twilight. I saw the movie before I read hte book, though I've read the book a few time and seen the movie way too many now.. lol It does annoy me too how many things they got wrong in the movie. :( They do that with all movies that were from books though >< Grr.
I still love Twilight. I accept that they have to change things to be cohesive and not make a 5 hour movie.
We got a new barbecue!! We were so excited. My mom loves barbecuing!
Soooo who are those lovely boys in the movie? And let's hope they walk around like that the whole time to make up for the parts missing Edward
Don't worry Taylor Lautner IS back as Jacob, he had to pack on 30 pounds of muscle but he did it, he wanted the role that bad!
Hey I would have SAT and watched a 5 hour movie happily~!! Yeah I am lame...hehe
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