Saturday, August 8, 2009

Photography with My New Camera

I took Sam with me and we went over to Hubbard Park today. It was such a gorgeous day! About 80 degrees, low humidity, gorgeous blue sky with puffy clouds, it was heavenly! I had thought it would be a great place for some photography, but I have to say, I was not impressed. Hubbard really is for one thing. Feeding ducks and geese. The paths and grounds are full of poop of all colors (gagging), and I knew this, but for some reason I thought there would be lots of great photo ops. We did get some good ones, and it was so pretty out, I had lots of fun with Sam. So I am posting a few of my favorite from the day.

Okay I actually hate the goose one, I just thought I should include one of them, because I talked about all the birds.

These are some other pics I have taken recently. I have taken a LOT, but these are a few of my favorites from this past signature

10 meaningful meanderings:

Sarah said...

Nice work! Keep em' coming :)

Anonymous said...

Whoa! These are awesome! What's the orange thing in the last pic?

Sheri, RN said...

Great pictures! Love the waterfall and the one with the flower and the bee. So cute!

Sheri, RN said...

bah not waterfall I meant fountain... it is early and I need coffee :P

Anonymous said...

I really like the second and third from the second batch!
Just yesterday, I saw my friend Erin with her camera and thought "Wendy has the same one!"
=] nice job!

Kristina P. said...

I think you did a great job!

LadyStyx said...

Nicely done! That last shot is quite interesting....

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures, I love the one of all of the rings!

Wendyburd1 said...

LOL! Yaya it's corn. I am really going to town with the closeup feature!

tiki_lady said...

way to go, you have an eye for this. I love the last one!

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